A photo of Joram Schwartzmann
Joram Schwartzmann

Joram Schwartzmann (17)

Joram Schwartzmann ist Wissenschaftskommunikator aus Berlin. Er beschäftigt sich mit Pflanzenbiologie und Forschungskommunikation.

Der Weg zum Podcast

Ihr möchtet einen Podcast starten und wisst nicht wie? Ihr habt schon eine tolle Idee, aber es hapert an der technischen Umsetzung? Oder steht Ihr noch ganz am Anfang und braucht Unterstützung bei der Konzeptentwicklung? Ich bin für Euch da! Wissenschaft und Podcasts passen perfekt…


Scientific Literacy 101 - my talk at rC3

I gave a talk at #rC3, the remote Chaos Experience during which I talked about Scientific Literacy and the basics of understanding scientific information. At the core were three parts of science as I see them: The scientific system of hypothesis driven research, the researchers and their strengths…


Remote interviews done right (with Studio Link Tutorial)

So you started a podcast and your sound is great. Hoorray! Well, at least it sounds great as long as it is under your control. It’s not only because of social distancing that you’ll find yourself more and more often doing interviews remotely (as in over the internet) instead of sitting across from each other. You have all the right gear (headset!) but your partner yells into a skype connection that fades, hisses and cracks. What now?


Better sounding podcasts with these simple tips

Podcasts are a fantastic tool for science communication, entertainment, or brand communication. Especially now, in the middle of a worldwide crisis with many people at home, many have the time and motivation at hand to start their own podcast. A lot of great ideas find…
